Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Bahas UN Bahasa Inggris

Asalamulaikum, how are you guys ?  kali ini kita bakal ngebahas soal UN lagi nih, kita bakal bahas soal UN Bahasa Inggris, oke langsung aja yah ? *lagi males bikin pengantar :D* , eits.. saya cuman mau bilang soal dan pembahasannya saya gak pake listening section, jadi semua soalnya reading yah ..

1. “It is equally important to make it as realistic as ..”
A.      Acting
B.      A play
C.      Costum
D.      Prop
E.       A story

Good acting and good story can make a play interesting. It is equally important to make it as realistic as possible with suitable costumes, props and sets. Be creative but don’t forget to have fun.

Good Luck

(UN 2010/2011)

Pembahasan : sudah baca teks diatas ? udah ? so, jawabannya apa ?*niat ngebahas gak sih ? :D*, jawabannya apaa ? A ? kok pintar baget sihh ? iah, jawaban yang benar A . whyy ? because It pada” It is equally important to make it as realisticas..” menunjukkan kata ganti acting. Kalo gak percaya coba kata acting kalian ganti pada kata It, pasti cocok :D . It, dalam hal ini digunakan untuk menujukkan kalimat sebelumnya.

Text Box: Dear John
 “Sue informed me this morning that Mr. Hassan, a local importer of local electrical goods,has ordered two hundreds Electrico washing machines, Model Number E7, one hundred Electrico Quickmix electrik mixers, Model Number M3, fifty electric fan, Model Number F2, and twenty five air conditioner, Model Number Ac 1. Since thi is a big order, he asked for 20% discount. I’m waiting for you confirmation.
Don2. What is the topic of the message ?
(UN 2009/2010)

A.      Items ordered
B.      Sue’s information
C.      Mr. Hassan’s order
D.      John’s Confirmation
E.       Appealing for a discount

Pembahasan : soalnya gampang kan ? so, apa jawabannya ? yap, jawabannya C . jelas banget pada kalimat awal dari paragraf, topiknya bacaan tersebut adalah tentang pesanan Mr. Hassan.

Text Box: Want to get latest information on properties ? Check out our Hot Properties Column. It appears every Saturday. To find out more information on houses, apartments,villas, and broker agents, contact Sitorus, Made or Mike at (024) 8448895.3. The aim of the message is to inform us.. (UN 2008/2009)
A.      About Hot Properties Column
B.      About houses, apartments, villas, and broker agents
C.      How to get in touch with Sitorus, Made and Mike
D.      The easiest way to get the latest information on properties
E.       How to find out more information on houses, apartment and villas.

Pembahasan : kalian udah tau jawabannya ? jawabannya B . kenapa ? coba baca kalimat pertamanya dalam teks : Want to get latest information on properties ?, berarti teks ini bertujuan untuk mereka yang ingin mencari info mengenai property (rumah,apartemen,vila,dan agen), jelasskan ?

4.            On the other hand, nuclear power is very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major disaster.
                People are increasingly concerned about this. In the 1990’s nuclear power was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world. In 2005, it was 2nd slowest growing.

The text discusses... (UN 2007/2008)
A.      Nuclear in general
B.      Nuclear biggest station
C.      The danger of radioactive
D.      The disanvantages of nuclear power
E.       The advantages and disanvatages of nuclear power

Pembahasan : kalian tahu apa yang dibahas dalam teks ? yang dibahas adalah manfaat dan bahaya nuklir, jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E

Text Box: Hotel Monalisa
78908, Italy
Phone : 435669

Waiter /waitress (2), Swimming pool Attendants , Bar staff

Around $150 per week,12 hours per day, 6 days per week. Free board and accomodation, Knowledge of German, Italian or French required
Period of work 3 or 6 months between end of March and end of November. Applicants should be fit and healthy, oragnized and clean. Applications from 25th March to the end and send to Marla at the above address.5. what is the purpose of the text ? (Prediksi UN 2011/2012)
A.      To announce the new waiter
B.      To advertise job vacancy
C.      To give training to new waiter/waitress
D.      To give information about bar staff
E.       To explain aout the new waiter/waitress

Pembahasan : kalian pasti tau jawabannya ini kan ? hayo apa ? yap ! text ini tentang lowongan kerja, so jawaban yang tepat adalah B

Sumber : Buku 100% Bahas Tuntas Soal-soal Aseli UN SMA IPA oleh JOGJA TEACHER CLUB.

Oke guys.. itu aja dulu soal dari saya, makasih udah mau baca, semoga kita semua lulus UN dan bisa masuk PTN pilihan kita, amin .

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